The world recently lost one of it’s greatest divas. Aretha Franklin died aged 76 from pancreatic cancer. During her extraordinary 60 year career the wonderfully talented Ms. Franklin [...]
Writing a Will can feel like a minefield of legal jargon, confusing forms and things you really don’t want to think about. But, it shouldn’t be that way. Over the next few weeks, we are going to [...]
Want to protect your family? Of course, you do… Us humans, we’re pretty much hardwired to protect the things we love. We have an inbuilt primal command to guard anyone and anything that is [...]
Does the state of common law marriage exist? Once a couple hits a magic number of years living in cohabitation bliss they reach a state of (near) nirvana called common-law marriage. A marriage by [...]
Dying in debt is something that many of us worry about. But, should we be worried or should we throw caution to the wind and spend what we don’t have in our final years? I recently read an [...]
Death, admin, and the intestate estate. Or, why dying without a Will can be a massive headache. We’re always going on about how important it is to write a Will (well we would, wouldn’t we). But [...]
According to the Ministry of Justice’s announcement earlier in the year, the proposed Probate Fee increase is set to come into play next month, May 2017. Currently, probate is charged at a flat [...]
I’m always on the lookout for interesting little titbits of content to share on our social media channels and as such have developed a TINY obsession with ‘Famous last words’. There [...]
Writing your Will is a piece of cake right? It’s so easy you can do it yourself. Quick trip to WH Smiths for a DIY Will pack – what am I saying… these days you don’t even have to leave the [...]
Guide to appointing Executors in your Will Writing your Will involves making lots of decisions. LOTS. How are you going to divide your estate up, who’s getting what? Who DESERVES what… Guardians [...]